The interdisciplinary program PASREL Hub aims at supporting health innovation projects stemming from labs of Paris-Saclay University, by advising them and connecting them to relevant resources (experts, academic or industrial partners, technology transfer structures, etc.). The PASREL Hub acts upstream of support structures such as the SATTs.
To find projects to support, the PASREL Hub has launched a call for expressions of interest.
To answer it, we invite you to download and complete the form on and send it, in docx or pdf format, to
Projects proposed for support by the PASREL Hub are considered on an ongoing basis, according to the availability of the various committees. You can contact us in advance ( to check the opportunity to fill out a form.
Projects supported by the PASREL Hub are projects on technological innovations in health stemming from the labs of Paris-Saclay University and destined to be transferred (clinical and/or industrial transfer). The considered technological innovations are either technologies for diagnosis and therapy or technologies for organizational innovation at the hospital. Inclusion of Human and Social Sciences is strongly encouraged. If needed, the PASREL Hub will help you find partners.
The objectives and the level of maturity of the projects will be evaluated by the PASREL Hub's project unit, which will decide whether or not to submit them to a project committee. In all cases, the project unit will give an initial feedback by phone to the applicant.
The project committee brings together experts from the PASREL Hub. It advises project leaders, opens its address book to them, and can propose a bibliometric and/or marketing study aimed at clarifying the orientations to be investigated, the decision-making process and the action plans to be implemented. It can also propose that certain projects benefit from a M2 funding of a maximum of 15 k€. Project leaders wishing to benefit from this funding must justify their request (leverage effect of the funding, interdisciplinarity, transfer potential, involvement of SHS). The funding granted will be validated by the PASREL Hub steering committee [1].
Projects proposed for support by the PASREL Hub are considered on an ongoing basis, according to the availability of the various committees. You can contact us in advance ( to check the opportunity to fill out a form.
Please note that the project committee meets once every two months.