PASREL-imagerie organized a visit to the MIRCen (Molecular Imaging Research Center) and IDMIT (Infectious Diseases Models for Innovative Therapies) platforms on May 30, 2023. PASREL-imagerie aims to accelerate medical innovations by providing unique expertise and access to CEA’s Ile-de-France medical imaging platforms for translational research: PET, MRI, ultrasound, multimodal imaging […]
Read the articleFor the first time, the Graduate School Life Sciences and Health (GS LSH) and the interdisciplinary Hub PASREL have joined forces to launch a joint call for projects. The projects supported must be collaborative projects from Paris-Saclay involving at least one GS LSH team and dealing with the development of […]
Read the articleThe PASREL Hub, in collaboration with Vallée Sud BIO PARC, organised its first general meeting on March 21st 2023. Entitled “Technological innovations in health: what expectations, what pitfalls, what support“, the programme of this seminar was built around questions frequently encountered by the project leaders that the PASREL Hub supports. […]
Read the articleOn February 27, the jury for the first phase of the restricted competition on Esquisse Plus for the future PASREL building was held. A jury of twenty people, representing the BioMaps supervisory bodies (CEA, Inserm, CNRS and the University of Paris-Saclay), as well as other institutions such as the Ile […]
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