

Joint call for projects Hub PASREL – GS LSH

For the first time, the Graduate School Life Sciences and Health (GS LSH) and the interdisciplinary Hub PASREL have joined forces to launch a joint call for projects. The projects supported must be collaborative projects from Paris-Saclay involving at least one GS LSH team and dealing with the development of […]

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Hub PASREL 1st general meeting

The PASREL Hub, in collaboration with Vallée Sud BIO PARC, organised its first general meeting on March 21st 2023. Entitled “Technological innovations in health: what expectations, what pitfalls, what support“, the programme of this seminar was built around questions frequently encountered by the project leaders that the PASREL Hub supports. […]

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PASREL Building: first phase of the contest

On February 27, the jury for the first phase of the restricted competition on Esquisse Plus for the future PASREL building was held. A jury of twenty people, representing the BioMaps supervisory bodies (CEA, Inserm, CNRS and the University of Paris-Saclay), as well as other institutions such as the Ile […]

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Technological innovations in health

Save the date!!! Register today  for the PASREL Hub seminar: “Technological innovations in health: what expectations, what pitfalls, what support?” This seminar is organized in partnership with Vallée Sud BIO PARC and will be held in their premises, 28 rue de la Redoute in Fontenay-aux-Roses, on Tuesday 21 March from […]

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